Resolutions of Gratitude

We all want to lose weight, get in shape, clean out our closets, watch less TV, and read more books. But this year, we’re resolving to practice gratitude for the world around us.

CHIC (Pearl)

The theme of my resolutions is love. I plan to volunteer for causes I’m passionate about and help friends whenever they are in need. I’m also going to be more open with sharing compliments and perform at least one random act of kindness for another person every day. And I resolve to only share positive posts on social media!

GEEK (Kevin)

My year is going to center around connection. I resolve to call my sisters more often, get together with neighbors for block parties and backyard barbecues, cook meals for friends and family, take more pictures of the people in my life, go on more hikes and appreciate nature, and sit down once a week to write thank you cards!

The Census Sells

The U.S. Census Bureau recently released data from the once-a-decade count, and the report shows that our share of senior residents expanded significantly from 2010 to 2020 and faster than any decade in more than a century. Meanwhile, birth rates continue to decline as more younger couples delay having children to focus on education and careers. The AP has more on the numbers.

As usual, the Census contains some valuable nuggets of data that sellers can leverage to successfully market their homes. For example, 1 in 6 Americans is 65 and older — up from 1 in 8 in 2010 — and our median age has risen eight years since 1980 to 38.8. That means even the perfect social media post may not reach as many potential buyers as a traditional direct mail campaign.

Additionally, it’s interesting to note that 5% of households included three or more generations, and about 19% of Americans reported living with relatives. Given these numbers, it would be wise to highlight an existing ADU on your property — or the potential for adding one. On the flip side, about 28% of households were solo occupants. That’s 35 million possible buyers who may not care as much about schools and other concerns for families and couples.

Take out or dine in?

In the age of COVID, we’ve gotten used to DoorDashing and online ordering. It’s so easy to grab your food off a rack without having to interact with anybody. But some of us miss that human connection. So do you pick up or sit down?

CHIC (Pearl)

As you might guess if you follow us on social media, I love going out to eat with friends, family, coworkers, and just about anybody who will join me. Even the Geek! It’s thrilling to sit around a table in a bustling restaurant sharing good company while a chef prepares your meal just steps away.

GEEK (Kevin)

If you like loud music that drowns out any chance at conversation and slow service due to staffing shortages, by all means, let’s dine in! But seriously, why mess around and waste a whole night in a crowded room when you could be at home with good food, the people you love, and your TV?

What's your social network?

We’re not on Twitter. But the recent kerfuffle got us thinking about our social media presence. With so many options out there, what’s your platform of choice?

CHIC (Pearl)

My favorite social network is Instagram. You can share photos, videos, stories, comments, and emojis all at once! And there are so many image filters to choose from that it’s sometimes really hard to choose. Okay, a lot of the time. Anyway, because Insta is such a visual medium, it’s even more important for your content to stand out if you’re trying to get noticed — or sell a home!

GEEK (Kevin)

I can’t say I spend a lot of time worrying about my social media presence. I tend to let Pearl manage our business accounts. Sometimes I take a look at Facebook, just to remind myself why I don’t spend a lot of time worrying about my social media presence. I have to say, it’s useful for keeping up with friends and family who you wouldn’t see otherwise, but that’s about my limit.