The Return of the Commute

Those of us who were lucky enough to work from home during the pandemic are slowly getting back to the office, but the traditional commute will never be the same. How’s your return so far?

CHIC (Pearl)

I’m one of the lucky ones who can continue to work from home, so the only commute I need to navigate is the path from our bedroom to the shower to the kitchen to the office. It may sound like a dream, but it can be very hard to find motivation when a bag of popcorn and streaming videos are at your fingertips. That’s why I try to pretend my supervisor is watching — even though it’s just our cat!

GEEK (Kevin)

If I never have to wait in rush hour traffic again it will be too soon. There is nothing more wasteful and mind-numbing than sitting in your car for hours every day with nothing to do but inch forward, check your text messages, and call a friend to vent. I know I’m not supposed to look at my phone while I’m driving, but I don’t call that driving. It’s more like waiting for a miracle.

Take out or dine in?

In the age of COVID, we’ve gotten used to DoorDashing and online ordering. It’s so easy to grab your food off a rack without having to interact with anybody. But some of us miss that human connection. So do you pick up or sit down?

CHIC (Pearl)

As you might guess if you follow us on social media, I love going out to eat with friends, family, coworkers, and just about anybody who will join me. Even the Geek! It’s thrilling to sit around a table in a bustling restaurant sharing good company while a chef prepares your meal just steps away.

GEEK (Kevin)

If you like loud music that drowns out any chance at conversation and slow service due to staffing shortages, by all means, let’s dine in! But seriously, why mess around and waste a whole night in a crowded room when you could be at home with good food, the people you love, and your TV?


We all have them, even if we don’t want to tell anyone else because we might jinx ourselves, like wishing on your birthday candles. But for reals, what are your resolutions for 2023?

CHIC (Pearl)

I’m resolving to get outside! After three years mostly cooped up by COVID, it’s time to enjoy all the food and parks and wonders that Silicon Valley has to offer. In fact, I started a list of all the new spots that have opened up since everything shut down, and I can’t wait to start checking them off. But don’t worry, I’ll still bring my mask along and make sure my vaccinations are up to date. Better safe than sorry, especially when you’re having fun!

GEEK (Kevin)

My new year’s resolution is to spend more time on fun projects around our house and our clients’ homes. One of the joys of our real estate work is helping sellers prep their properties to get the highest value and guiding buyers through the maze of inspections, repairs, and upgrades that come with making their new homes feel like they’ve lived there for years. I’m looking forward to dryer months ahead!

Making time to take time in the new normal.

We know how you feel. You’ve been working from home for longer than you can remember, and as soon as you think you’ve learned everything about Zoom, they drop another software update.

As work/life boundaries erode, how can we be sure that we’re managing our time — and not the other way around? The Wall Street Journal attempts to answer this question.

Chic vs. Geek: What’s keeping you home?

The pandemic has forced us to adjust to new ways of living – and working – in our homes. What’s one thing around the house that makes it easier?


A lot can be said for the simple things like a solid WiFi connection and a good coffee maker, but give me my standing desk any day of the week and twice on Sunday. There’s nothing better for maintaining good posture and circulation while you’re busy staring at a computer screen for up to eight hours a day. These days, you don’t even need to buy the full desk. Most office supply companies sell toppers and attachments for the desk you already have in your home.


I’ll admit it. I’m addicted to soda and fizzy drinks of all flavors, colors, and styles. But I never truly embraced my addiction until the pandemic hit, and I realized we were spending tons of money on sodas and sparkling waters. So I bit the bullet and bought us a Soda Stream. And we will never go back. Not only can I have any kind of refreshing beverage anytime I want it, we’re also keeping thousands of aluminum cans and plastic bottles out of our landfills and oceans.