Client Story: SOLD in Mountain View

We recently helped Kail and Anu sell their townhome in Mountain View, and they just posted this lovely review that we want to share with you. We also want to express our sincere gratitude to Kapil and Anu for your kind words. It means a lot to us and serves as a testament to the hard work and dedication we put into selling your home.

It was truly a pleasure working with you throughout the process. The successful sale was a result of great teamwork and collaboration, and we are grateful for the trust you placed in us. Your cooperation and clear communication made the entire experience smooth and enjoyable. We are thrilled to have been able to meet your expectations.

Please know that your review has not only brightened our day but also serves as a source of motivation for us to continue delivering exceptional service to all our clients. Once again, thank you for choosing us to represent you. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors. And should you ever need our assistance again, please do not hesitate to reach out!

– Pearl & Kevin

Here's to the painters!

We have a new listing coming soon in Mountain View. It’s a work-in-progress as we spruce up the home and create a more welcoming vibe. And we want to take this opportunity to show appreciation for the people who are making this happen behind the scenes, like painters, who also get their hands dirty with cleaning, sanding, and other prep work.

Seller’s Best Friends

In today’s fast-paced market, the secret to making the most money from your sale is creating buyer interest right away. Over years of working with sellers, we’ve developed a winning team strategy to help you seamlessly sell your home at the highest value.

CHIC (Pearl)

We don't just put a sign in the lawn and an ad online and hope that the home automatically sells itself. By expertly staging and strategically marketing your home early, we know how to intentionally create buyer excitement, drive early offers, and make your sale as profitable as possible. We develop personalized solutions to meet your goals. Whether you want to increase your property value, expedite your sale, or simultaneously sell your current home and buy your next one, we'll provide you with a level of service that’s just as unique as your home.

GEEK (Kevin)

We're not shooting in the dark here. We use real time market data to provide sellers with a curated valuation strategy that drives the results they want. Compass proprietary technology allows us to see how your home price compares to similar listings, so we can help you sell with confidence. Wondering how to increase your home value before listing it? Working with us means you’ll have access to resources (contractors, inspectors, home goods shopping) that can help you make value-adding renovations to your home without spending any money up front.

Look Who's Selling

This recent snapshot shows that Baby Boomers are driving home sales in 2023, as they approach their golden years and look to downsize or seek a change of scenery. More than half of sellers are married, nearly half of them plan to buy a new home after they sell, and fully two-thirds are white.

Learn more in this infographic from the California Association of Realtors.

What’s in a price?

When you put your home up for sale, choosing the right asking price could be the difference between getting what you want and leaving big-time dollars on the table — especially in today’s tight market. So how do you find the right number?

CHIC (Pearl)

Setting an asking price is all about striking a balance — between the price you want and what the market will bear, high interest rates and low inventory, first impressions and protracted negotiations. In this treacherous territory, it’s good to have an agent to guide you to the promised land. We’ll help you make sense out of the tea leaves and find the asking price that fits your property.

GEEK (Kevin)

I love a good numbers game, and finding your asking price is all about crunching the data. The first step is to analyze comparable sales in your neighborhood. How do the homes compare to yours by the numbers? How closely did asking prices mirror impartial estimates? How long did the properties spend on the market? Once you know the landscape, it’s easier to find your way.