Client Story: SOLD in Mountain View

We recently helped Kail and Anu sell their townhome in Mountain View, and they just posted this lovely review that we want to share with you. We also want to express our sincere gratitude to Kapil and Anu for your kind words. It means a lot to us and serves as a testament to the hard work and dedication we put into selling your home.

It was truly a pleasure working with you throughout the process. The successful sale was a result of great teamwork and collaboration, and we are grateful for the trust you placed in us. Your cooperation and clear communication made the entire experience smooth and enjoyable. We are thrilled to have been able to meet your expectations.

Please know that your review has not only brightened our day but also serves as a source of motivation for us to continue delivering exceptional service to all our clients. Once again, thank you for choosing us to represent you. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors. And should you ever need our assistance again, please do not hesitate to reach out!

– Pearl & Kevin

Keep it or leave it?

They say you can’t take it with you, but that doesn’t apply to moving. Some things can come along on the ride, and some things are in it for the long haul with your current home. So what stays and what goes?

CHIC (Pearl)

A good rule of thumb is anything custom or built into the home is going to stay when you move, no matter how attached you are to it. The exception is large appliances like a fridge or a custom electric fireplace. Just be clear with the buyer about your intentions. The same goes for landscaping like trees, bushes, lawns, and garden structures. But you can probably take that potted succulent you’ve managed to keep alive since college!

GEEK (Kevin)

My rule of thumb is take everything that isn’t nailed down or unique to the home, because you never know if you’re going to miss it. So yes, commandeer all the major appliances, furniture, hardware, cabinets, tables, and TV wall mounts. And if you can’t decide on a certain item, just keep it. You can always sell it at a garage sale if you can’t use it in your new home. Just listen to Pearl and set ground rules up front with the buyer.

A Spectacular Investment

If you’re young or living on a tight budget, renting a home makes a lot of sense. But there’s no substitute for the power of homeownership to build wealth and financial security. So how do you get the most out of your investment?

CHIC (Pearl)

The benefits of ownership vastly outweigh the upsides of renting, especially over the long term. According to the S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Index, home prices in the San Francisco Metro Area rose a whopping 375% from 1990 to 2021, and every mortgage payment builds your equity and allows you to leverage more of that value. Speaking of payments, instead of basically throwing money away on rents that increase with inflation, a fixed rate mortgage locks in your monthly budget for the duration of the loan. You can also deduct interest payments on your tax return and take advantage of other tax incentives. And if you don’t need the home, you can always rent it out and get an even greater return!

GEEK (Kevin)

No matter if you’re buying to occupy or rent, the home you purchase should fit your life goals — and your monthly budget. Buying your dream home might not make sense if you’re starting a family or embarking on a new career. Quick turnarounds can also get you into trouble responding to market fluctuations instead of betting on trends. And it’s incredibly tempting to borrow against your growing equity to pay for non-essentials like a new car when you should be accruing wealth and setting yourself up for the future. A better option would be to consider refinancing as mortgage rates decline. You could also think about maintaining a “rainy day” reserve fund for those unexpected curve balls life likes to throw.

Buying a home is a deeply personal decision and possibly the most significant financial transaction you will ever make. We’re here to help, but in the end, it’s your future — and your choice!

Coming Soon in Mountain View!

201 Flynn Ave, Unit 16, Mountain View, CA 94043

2 Bed | 2.5 Baths | 1,254 sqft

Take a sneak peek at this end unit townhome with an uncommonly spacious backyard close to the diverse and dynamic culture of Downtown Mountain View. It’s the perfect combination of private getaway and centralized location, surrounded by great school districts and major tech companies, some of which are within walking — or bicycling — distance, including Google, Samsung, LinkedIn, Symantec, and NASA.

With the Stevens Creek Trail and Shoreline Lake and Golf Links nearby, there’s plenty of opportunity to connect with nature and stay fit. And Shoreline Amphitheatre is always a destination for the best live music. Relax in the clubhouse, take a lap in the pool, or lay out and enjoy the backyard paradise we created for our clients. We’re really happy with how the home turned out after new painting, clearing, light fixtures, and planting, and we hope you’ll like it, too!

Contact us for a before market showing.

Seller’s Best Friends

In today’s fast-paced market, the secret to making the most money from your sale is creating buyer interest right away. Over years of working with sellers, we’ve developed a winning team strategy to help you seamlessly sell your home at the highest value.

CHIC (Pearl)

We don't just put a sign in the lawn and an ad online and hope that the home automatically sells itself. By expertly staging and strategically marketing your home early, we know how to intentionally create buyer excitement, drive early offers, and make your sale as profitable as possible. We develop personalized solutions to meet your goals. Whether you want to increase your property value, expedite your sale, or simultaneously sell your current home and buy your next one, we'll provide you with a level of service that’s just as unique as your home.

GEEK (Kevin)

We're not shooting in the dark here. We use real time market data to provide sellers with a curated valuation strategy that drives the results they want. Compass proprietary technology allows us to see how your home price compares to similar listings, so we can help you sell with confidence. Wondering how to increase your home value before listing it? Working with us means you’ll have access to resources (contractors, inspectors, home goods shopping) that can help you make value-adding renovations to your home without spending any money up front.