What's your social network?

We’re not on Twitter. But the recent kerfuffle got us thinking about our social media presence. With so many options out there, what’s your platform of choice?

CHIC (Pearl)

My favorite social network is Instagram. You can share photos, videos, stories, comments, and emojis all at once! And there are so many image filters to choose from that it’s sometimes really hard to choose. Okay, a lot of the time. Anyway, because Insta is such a visual medium, it’s even more important for your content to stand out if you’re trying to get noticed — or sell a home!

GEEK (Kevin)

I can’t say I spend a lot of time worrying about my social media presence. I tend to let Pearl manage our business accounts. Sometimes I take a look at Facebook, just to remind myself why I don’t spend a lot of time worrying about my social media presence. I have to say, it’s useful for keeping up with friends and family who you wouldn’t see otherwise, but that’s about my limit.