Accelerating into Spring

After a cool and frosty winter, the market is experiencing a boom in early 2024. As of February, approximately 56% of home sales were made in less than a month, with a median of 38 days on market. Additionally, 20% sold over list price, 21% were purchased as investments or second homes, 26% were bought by first-time homebuyers, and 33% were all-cash purchases — the highest monthly share of sales in almost 10 years.

Anyone can appreciate this.

If you ever needed a visualization of the rising cost of homeownership, this chart should do the trick. Tracking median house sales price fluctuations by region since 1990, you can see a significant shift to the West and South and away from the Northeast, even as prices have appreciated across the country. Of course, the last spikes we saw in western sales led to the subprime bubble, so it’s good for investors to be cautious.

San Francisco Market Update - December 2023

Has the home sales market in San Francisco finally begun to cool off, or is it just the chill of another atmospheric river? Inventory and median sales price were down year over year in December, and properties took a little more time getting scooped up. Meanwhile, condo prices in the City by the Bay saw a 9% increase from the same time in 2022, and opportunities were 10% more plentiful.

Santa Clara County Market Update - December 2023

The numbers from December are in, and it’s a familiar story. But while sales of homes and condos are still below the same time last year, the gap is narrowing as inventory slowly returns. But buyers still need to act fast with homes spending an average of 23 days on the market. As far as the bottom line, median sales prices were up year-over-year, more so for homes (16%) than condos (5%).

The Long Haul

Like we said earlier, you have to think big when it comes to home investments, and this chart says it all. While median house prices in Santa Clara County may have dipped a bit in 2023, they’re still more than double the pre-Recession peak in 2007. Want to see a more detailed report for your neighborhood? Request one today, and we’ll deliver it to your home or email.