Leap Day DIY

Every four years, we get an extra day on the calendar — February 29th — to account for the extra time it takes the Earth to make a circuit around the Sun. We decided to take advantage of this Leap Day by getting things done around the house.

CHIC (Pearl)

Kevin loves to cook, and he’s super organized. So I’m going to give him a special gift and spend Leap Day clearing out and cleaning up our pantry. And I’ll bring a touch of style with fresh shelf covers and colorful container sets.

GEEK (Kevin)

Pearl loves to garden, and it’s nearly springtime planting season. So I’m going to build her some long wood planters from scratch that she can use in our backyard. And I’ll geek it out with a water-saving programmable irrigation system.

Hello, Fall.

The cool, crisp autumn wind has arrived, the leaves are turning, and everything from chai lattes to pork rinds seems to have a pumpkin spice variation. What do you look forward to about Fall?

CHIC (Pearl)

There’s a day every September when the Bay Area dress code shifts from summer dresses to cozy sweaters, and we got there a little earlier than expected this year. But you won’t find me complaining. I love waking up to morning frost and a warm cup of coffee while I snuggle in a blanket and catch up on email. It definitely beats waking up in a cold sweat when it’s 72°F before sunrise.

GEEK (Kevin)

For DIY home improvement types – like yours truly – this is prime time for cleaning, inspections, repairs, and other annual upkeep that you’ve been putting off all Summer while you played golf and sat by the pool working on your non-existent tan. It’s especially important to check your heating system now before things get really chilly, when repairs cost more and take longer.

Tax Day Delayed


When I have a free weekend, I like attending open houses and broker tours to get inspired. I love finding color schemes, design choices, and overall vibes to help our clients not only find a great home but make it their own. And sometimes I use the inspiration to spruce up our own home.

GEEK (Kevin)

Right about now, you’re probably thinking: Kevin’s going to say he worked on a DIY project around the house and helped one of our clients replace their water heater. ANd you’d be half right. I’ll leave it up to you to guess which half. Look for a hint in one of the stories below.

Rainy Day Inspiration

What do you do when the rain keeps us indoors and you’ve already finished your Spring cleaning?

CHIC (Pearl)

If you’re lucky like us and get to work from home, rainy days are a chance to have a little adventure around the house. Explore rooms you don’t use as often and look for items you may have misplaced, like garage keys or jewelry. I just found a bracelet I thought was lost forever!

GEEK (Kevin)

A little rain never stopped me from going outside. And with all the atmospheric rivers we’ve seen, you’d be advised to give your home a regular check for overflowing gutters, leaky eaves, and potential wind and hail damage to your roof. You never know when the other shoe will drop!

Down Time

The holidays and first few weeks of the new year tend to be a little slow for real estate, so it’s a good time to catch up on projects you’ve been thinking about… or avoiding!

CHIC (Pearl)

My biggest procrastination is taking down holiday decorations. There’s nothing wrong with spreading happy vibes all year round, but candy canes and Christmas trees don’t really vibe with Valentine’s Day! So I use this time to get our house back to normal.

GEEK (Kevin)

You know where to find me whenever there’s a little down time: getting in some DIY action around the house. I just installed new bathroom cabinets, and I’m still riding high on perspiration and power tools. On to the next project… when I have the time!