Tax Day Delayed


When I have a free weekend, I like attending open houses and broker tours to get inspired. I love finding color schemes, design choices, and overall vibes to help our clients not only find a great home but make it their own. And sometimes I use the inspiration to spruce up our own home.

GEEK (Kevin)

Right about now, you’re probably thinking: Kevin’s going to say he worked on a DIY project around the house and helped one of our clients replace their water heater. ANd you’d be half right. I’ll leave it up to you to guess which half. Look for a hint in one of the stories below.

Chic vs. Geek: Go Green to Save Green!

We know that decarbonizing our lifestyles is an important part of fighting climate change, but what about our homes?


If you want to reduce your energy use and bring a brighter touch to your home, invest in a skylight or move some windows to capture light at different times of day. In addition to warming up the aesthetics, these “passive solar” steps reduce the need for costly artificial lighting during the day. You can also invest in awnings, shutters, and curtains to control the light and heat in your home.


Natural light helps you see, but how can you survive without natural gas? Think about going electric with a heat pump for heating, cooling, and water heating. Replacing your gas stove with an induction version is another smart investment, and it won’t blow you up! Energy upgrades like this can get expensive, but there are government incentives to help, and the savings pay back the costs in short order.