Tax Day Delayed


When I have a free weekend, I like attending open houses and broker tours to get inspired. I love finding color schemes, design choices, and overall vibes to help our clients not only find a great home but make it their own. And sometimes I use the inspiration to spruce up our own home.

GEEK (Kevin)

Right about now, you’re probably thinking: Kevin’s going to say he worked on a DIY project around the house and helped one of our clients replace their water heater. ANd you’d be half right. I’ll leave it up to you to guess which half. Look for a hint in one of the stories below.

Chic vs. Geek: Fall Improvement Projects

If you’re thinking of listing your home for a fall sale, it’s time to make it look the part. Here’s a punch list of autumnal home improvement projects.


There’s no shortage of projects to keep you busy around the house. Restore your carpet to its original beauty. Clean your fireplace to get ready for cold winter months. And embrace your green thumb by trimming back foliage and protecting your perennials from pests.


If you prefer to get a little dirty – like me – you can get up on a ladder to unclog your rain gutters, replace missing shingles, or seal up pesky leaks in your attic. You can also invest in energy saving upgrades like a new furnace or double-paned windows to help the house maintain temperature.

Geek's Number Talk: Going green earns you more green

Did you know? According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), an average home produces about twice as much greenhouse gas pollution as the average car.

Meanwhile, a recent study showed that a $1 reduction in annual energy bills resulted in more than a $10 increase in home resale value. Indeed, appraisers account for efficiency improvements because they contribute to the livability and economic stability of the home.

Additionally, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) has ruled that the cost of energy efficiency measures can be added to a mortgage. And homebuilders find that homes with efficiency upgrades sell faster and at higher prices than similar homes nearby. All the more reason to invest in an upgrade!

Chic vs. Geek: Going Net Zero @ Home

“Net zero” is what happens when the renewable energy you use to power your home matches the need, meaning you have no net impact on the environment. With new heating technology and lower-cost renewable energy systems, any home can get to net zero. Need help getting started? That’s why we’re here!


Like any home improvements, there are upfront costs to going net zero, but an investment today could help lock in your energy prices for the next 25+ years. Roof-mounted solar is currently the most affordable way to generate your own energy. With a good financing plan, a photovoltaic (PV) system can deliver electricity at 60% to 70% of what you’re paying PG&E. And because of widespread adoption, solar has never been cheaper! You can also upgrade to efficient electric heating and cooling systems like heat pumps and floor coils.


When it comes to energy efficiency, there’s nothing like some good, old fashioned repairs and upgrades. First, check the air sealing on your home and shore it up where you can. This will give you the biggest bang for your buck year round. Combine that with better insulation, and you can save more money downsizing to a smaller heating/cooling system. And don’t forget to replace old, drafty windows and doors with high-performance, triple-pane brands or storm windows. This will reduce heat loss and provide plenty of natural light.