Stepping into Spring!

After a weekend of open houses at our new listing, we’re ready for an opportunity to reset. What are you looking forward to about the Spring Equinox?

CHIC (Pearl)

It’s been a rainy winter, and I’m ready for some sunshine! Monday was a nice teaser, but it looks like we’ll have to wait for a real heat wave since the forecast calls for another wet weekend. In the meantime, I’ll get my sunglasses ready.

GEEK (Kevin)

As you’d expect, I’m already feeling the urge to reorganize the garage, clean out the closets, and upgrade outdoor lighting. But first, I need a break — a spring break. Maybe we’ll get in the car and take a drive up the coast. Or we could just sleep!

Leap Day DIY

Every four years, we get an extra day on the calendar — February 29th — to account for the extra time it takes the Earth to make a circuit around the Sun. We decided to take advantage of this Leap Day by getting things done around the house.

CHIC (Pearl)

Kevin loves to cook, and he’s super organized. So I’m going to give him a special gift and spend Leap Day clearing out and cleaning up our pantry. And I’ll bring a touch of style with fresh shelf covers and colorful container sets.

GEEK (Kevin)

Pearl loves to garden, and it’s nearly springtime planting season. So I’m going to build her some long wood planters from scratch that she can use in our backyard. And I’ll geek it out with a water-saving programmable irrigation system.

Hello, Fall.

The cool, crisp autumn wind has arrived, the leaves are turning, and everything from chai lattes to pork rinds seems to have a pumpkin spice variation. What do you look forward to about Fall?

CHIC (Pearl)

There’s a day every September when the Bay Area dress code shifts from summer dresses to cozy sweaters, and we got there a little earlier than expected this year. But you won’t find me complaining. I love waking up to morning frost and a warm cup of coffee while I snuggle in a blanket and catch up on email. It definitely beats waking up in a cold sweat when it’s 72°F before sunrise.

GEEK (Kevin)

For DIY home improvement types – like yours truly – this is prime time for cleaning, inspections, repairs, and other annual upkeep that you’ve been putting off all Summer while you played golf and sat by the pool working on your non-existent tan. It’s especially important to check your heating system now before things get really chilly, when repairs cost more and take longer.

On the wrong track?

In a recent poll sponsored by the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, 77% of residents said the City by the Bay is heading in the wrong direction. Top concerns included crime, cleanliness, and costs. Meanwhile, hotel occupancy rates hit 61% in March, a 28% year-over-year increase. So it’s clear that folks from outside SF may have a different opinion.

All this could equate to opportunity for savvy buyers looking to take advantage of an exodus!