Hello, Fall.

The cool, crisp autumn wind has arrived, the leaves are turning, and everything from chai lattes to pork rinds seems to have a pumpkin spice variation. What do you look forward to about Fall?

CHIC (Pearl)

There’s a day every September when the Bay Area dress code shifts from summer dresses to cozy sweaters, and we got there a little earlier than expected this year. But you won’t find me complaining. I love waking up to morning frost and a warm cup of coffee while I snuggle in a blanket and catch up on email. It definitely beats waking up in a cold sweat when it’s 72°F before sunrise.

GEEK (Kevin)

For DIY home improvement types – like yours truly – this is prime time for cleaning, inspections, repairs, and other annual upkeep that you’ve been putting off all Summer while you played golf and sat by the pool working on your non-existent tan. It’s especially important to check your heating system now before things get really chilly, when repairs cost more and take longer.

Chic vs. Geek: Fall Improvement Projects

If you’re thinking of listing your home for a fall sale, it’s time to make it look the part. Here’s a punch list of autumnal home improvement projects.


There’s no shortage of projects to keep you busy around the house. Restore your carpet to its original beauty. Clean your fireplace to get ready for cold winter months. And embrace your green thumb by trimming back foliage and protecting your perennials from pests.


If you prefer to get a little dirty – like me – you can get up on a ladder to unclog your rain gutters, replace missing shingles, or seal up pesky leaks in your attic. You can also invest in energy saving upgrades like a new furnace or double-paned windows to help the house maintain temperature.

Geek's Number Talk: The Equinox Cometh

The fall — or autumnal — equinox arrives in the Northern Hemisphere at precisely 12:20pm PDT today, September 22. But the celestial event occurs at the same moment worldwide, when the Sun crosses an imaginary extension of our equator as the Earth tilts on its axis.

So what are  you doing during the lunch hour on Hump Day? Want to have an equinox party?