Down Time

The holidays and first few weeks of the new year tend to be a little slow for real estate, so it’s a good time to catch up on projects you’ve been thinking about… or avoiding!

CHIC (Pearl)

My biggest procrastination is taking down holiday decorations. There’s nothing wrong with spreading happy vibes all year round, but candy canes and Christmas trees don’t really vibe with Valentine’s Day! So I use this time to get our house back to normal.

GEEK (Kevin)

You know where to find me whenever there’s a little down time: getting in some DIY action around the house. I just installed new bathroom cabinets, and I’m still riding high on perspiration and power tools. On to the next project… when I have the time!

Chic Life: Winter-Ready Decor

Winter is coming, and the cold weather makes getting out of bed in the morning even harder. It’s important to create harmony between your body and home if you want to start your day on a positive note.

There are any number of ways to get your home “winter-ready”, such as candles and wood-accented furnishing, but one touch I personally love is sheepskin decor. Just one sheepskin accent — on the living room floor, draped over a chair, or next your bed for foot comfort — can make your space feel confirmable and welcoming.

Cuddle up with a sheepskin throw. Throw down a sheepskin rug. And top the rug with a sheepskin seat and accent pillows. The biggest question you need to answer is a moral one: Do you go with a natural or fabricated product?

Either way, you might want to keep your dog off the furniture!