Google leading the way on post-pandemic office design

The tech giant that cornered the search engine market and taught other employers how to keep their workforce happy is rethinking how their offices will function in the “new normal” of our post-pandemic world, which will involve a lot more working from home.

Read more in San José Inside, by way of the New York Times.

Geek's Number Talk: Santa Clara County Q1 sales were voluminous!

Without really digging into this graph, you wouldn’t even know we had a global pandemic, civil unrest, and an economic shutdown across multiple industries.

But as you can see, Q4 2020 sales volume far exceeded past performance, and Q1 2021 came in a whopping 45% up from a year prior.

We’ll see what this means for Q2, which accounts for most of the spikes in this graph — at least until 2020.

Santa Clara County Sales Volume Q1 2021.png

Geek's Number Talk: The American Rescue Act and You

According to the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, an independent think tank, the American Rescue Act signed into law last week by President Biden will generate a 3.8% increase in 2021 income for the average American tax filer, which translates to roughly $3,060. Check The Balance for more about what this could mean for you.