Which President would you trust with your home?

In honor of Presidents Day, we ask the age-old question: If you could ask any U.S. President to assist with your home renovation, who would it be?

CHIC (Pearl)

For me, it’s an easy decision. I would go with John F. Kennedy, but not for him, for his wife. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis was an icon of style and my favorite First Lady of all time. She made the White House into her own by leaning into color and pattern, breathing new life into an old, stodgy building. I would love to have her help when I redesign my dream home!

GEEK (Kevin)

There’s only one answer here, and it’s Teddy Roosevelt. T.R. liked to speak softly and carry a big stick, and that’s exactly the kind of person you need in charge of any major home project. With costs soaring and workflows in flux, it’s absolutely critical to have someone at the helm looking out for your bottom line and making sure things get done on time!

Home office upgrade

COVID-19 fundamentally changed the way we look at office space, and many of us have found happiness working from home. We’ve got some tips to make your home office more inviting!

CHIC (Pearl)

Now that it’s been a few years, you should probably think about upscaling that temporary office you converted out of a spare bedroom. A fresh coat of paint can help set the tone and create a more productive vibe. I’d also suggest retiring that folding table to the garage and finding a proper desk with actual drawers to store your pens, papers — and midday snacks!

GEEK (Kevin)

Don’t stop at the walls. Remember, flooring is the foundation to every room. If you’re still rocking shag carpet in your home office, consider an upgrade to fabricated wood, vinyl, or laminate. A good contractor can make the swap in one day’s work, so there’s no need to fear a protracted process. And the final result will make your home office feel more professional.

Treating Yourself to a Home Spa

These days, with the stress of pandemics and wildfires and uncertain markets bearing down, we could all use an escape from the world outside to focus on self care. A home spa is one way to bring more peace and tranquility to your life, and we have some tips for doing it right.

CHIC (Pearl)

First thing’s first: You need the right tub — something you can crawl into for a deep soak at the end of a long day. While you’re in there, light up some eucalyptus-scented essential oil candles to put you in the mood to chill. And be sure to have a stack of fluffy Turkish white bath towels handy. As for decorations, keep it clean and keep it simple, adding plants or fresh flowers for pops of color.

GEEK (Kevin)

If shutting out the world is your thing, I recommend ceiling lights with dimmers and “blackout” blinds for the windows. When I’m relaxing, I don’t want to know if it’s day or night. Working from the ground up on design, I’m a big fan of heated tiles and a wraparound steam shower. And because I’m usually exhausted by the time I hop into the shower, a wooden sitting chair is a must.