
We all have them, even if we don’t want to tell anyone else because we might jinx ourselves, like wishing on your birthday candles. But for reals, what are your resolutions for 2023?

CHIC (Pearl)

I’m resolving to get outside! After three years mostly cooped up by COVID, it’s time to enjoy all the food and parks and wonders that Silicon Valley has to offer. In fact, I started a list of all the new spots that have opened up since everything shut down, and I can’t wait to start checking them off. But don’t worry, I’ll still bring my mask along and make sure my vaccinations are up to date. Better safe than sorry, especially when you’re having fun!

GEEK (Kevin)

My new year’s resolution is to spend more time on fun projects around our house and our clients’ homes. One of the joys of our real estate work is helping sellers prep their properties to get the highest value and guiding buyers through the maze of inspections, repairs, and upgrades that come with making their new homes feel like they’ve lived there for years. I’m looking forward to dryer months ahead!