Stepping into Spring!

After a weekend of open houses at our new listing, we’re ready for an opportunity to reset. What are you looking forward to about the Spring Equinox?

CHIC (Pearl)

It’s been a rainy winter, and I’m ready for some sunshine! Monday was a nice teaser, but it looks like we’ll have to wait for a real heat wave since the forecast calls for another wet weekend. In the meantime, I’ll get my sunglasses ready.

GEEK (Kevin)

As you’d expect, I’m already feeling the urge to reorganize the garage, clean out the closets, and upgrade outdoor lighting. But first, I need a break — a spring break. Maybe we’ll get in the car and take a drive up the coast. Or we could just sleep!

Honoring Cesar Chavez

Nearly a decade ago on March 31, we began a new national tradition of honoring civil rights and workers advocate César Chávez, who began his organizing career right here in the Silicon Valley — when it was still the Valley of Heart’s Delight. Join us in honoring his legacy today with a random act of service!

Chic vs. Geek: Designing Happy

These days, we're spending more time in our homes. Here’s how you can use interior design elements to elevate your happiness.


For me, a happy home is a comforting home. That’s why I prefer to keep things cozy with soft elements like plush pillows and fuzzy blankets that invite you to relax. Calming colors can also help to amplify the tranquility of your space. Speaking of space, your living room is typically the top spot for unwinding and the room where the most happy is needed. Lean in to relaxation by decorating your living room with items that make you happy, such as family photos, favorite books, or cherished mementos.


Nothing gets in the way of my pursuit of happiness like clutter. It adds unnecessary stress to your life, so it makes sense that organization would be a key component of a happy home. If you’re the type that can’t help but collect a lot of clutter, I suggest incorporating a lot of closed storage elements to help you easily hide it from the world. Speaking of the world, the happiest homes are often styled in the vibe of popular locales and terrain like rustic, mediterranean, and mountain regions.