Chic vs. Geek: What do buyers want?

We’re still getting used to the “new normal”, and it’s shifting the way buyers are looking at homes, too. So what are the most popular features in a post-COVID world?


It shouldn’t be surprising that home offices and big backyards are in high demand. With more employers shifting to hybrid or work-from-home models, a quiet space to Zoom or crush that deadline is becoming more valuable. And being stuck at home is a lot more tolerable when you have a spacious backyard to spread out.


The biggest selling point for a lot of buyers is family space — and not just for socializing. We all know that personal space is just as important, especially when you’ve heard the same family stories a couple hundred times. And with crimes of opportunity on the rise, a secure front porch is becoming another hot item on the COVID market.

Chic vs. Geek: Buying from a Builder

Are you thinking of buying a new construction project directly from the builder? Here are some things you need to know before you sign the contract...


We know what you’re thinking: Buying a brand new home sounds like a dream. No creaky floors, no skeletons in the closet, and no surprises in the crawlspace. But you can’t judge a book by its cover. Just like old homes, new constructions come with their own set of potential pitfalls. We suggest you have the home professionally inspected before making any commitments.


The most important thing to remember when you’re buying a brand new construction is that you can’t take anything for granted. A builder will recommend their preferred lender, but shop around for multiple quotes to be sure you’re getting the best deal. And watch out for hidden defects, missing necessities, and pricey upgrades and upsells. Here’s more advice to help you through.

Chic vs. Geek: Cats!

We love our new kitten, and we’ve got some tips for making your home more cat friendly.


We just opened our home to an adorable four-legged friend. Her name is Bora. And she is perfect. Okay, almost perfect. Anyway, Kevin and I have been planning ways to make our house a safe and fun playground for Bora. We bought a scratch poll and shelves where she can lay out and scope the scene. And we are not “cat people” per se. We’re just animal-loving realtors.

Cat towers.jpg


You know I love a good home construction project, so I’m excited to get started on renovations for the Bora Era. I’m already collecting inspiration, which is how I came across this guide to some outside the box cat-friendly lairs – pun absolutely intended! Are you ready to go the extra mile to make your cats feel at home using high design and decor? Go for it and send us your pics!

On the Road: The Sea Ranch

We took a trip about two and a half hours north of San Francisco to the Sea Ranch, a planned community in unincorporated Sonoma County, and one of our favorite spots to poke around. While we were in the area, we connected with a local real estate agent from the Liisberg Company and learned that the Sea Ranch is a popular spot among San Francisco urbanites looking to buy a vacation/rental home.

We were both amazed by the unique and interesting architecture found throughout the Sea Ranch, where some of the world’s most innovative designers crafted homes to blend into their natural surroundings.. Even their fireplaces look cool! You can read more about the Sea Ranch style in this piece from the New York Times, and take a deep dive into the history with the folks at Dwell.

Want to learn more?

Google leading the way on post-pandemic office design

The tech giant that cornered the search engine market and taught other employers how to keep their workforce happy is rethinking how their offices will function in the “new normal” of our post-pandemic world, which will involve a lot more working from home.

Read more in San José Inside, by way of the New York Times.