Chic vs. Geek: Buying Brand New

When you purchase a newly constructed single family home, there are a few important details that you need to navigate, including these contract specifications…

CHIC (Pearl)

Everything from the fit and finish of cabinets and mirrors to flooring, interior and exterior walls, countertops, paint finishes and trim can fall under a seller warranty against defective materials and/or workmanship, provided the seller receives notice within one year of the date of occupancy. The buyer can always waive this coverage for anything they’ve already had inspected.

GEEK (Kevin)

To make sure the seller follows through, there’s also a seller completion obligation, under which the seller agrees to provide all labor and materials to make necessary improvements and file all the applicable paperwork with local authorities. But supply shortages, labor disputes, buyer inaction, and other unforeseeable circumstances can cause delays.

Chic vs. Geek: Buying or Building?

We often meet buyers who are debating between buying an existing home and building a new one. Some buyers start out looking for a fixer-upper and end up building their dream home because they couldn’t find the right fit with their budget. What are the pros of each approach?


Buying an existing home has obvious advantages like a short turnaround from closing to move in. It also gives you a chance to settle into a new home and a new lifestyle if you don’t want to make remodel decisions right away – or if you don’t have the money for renovations right now. You also have the chance to walk through the actual home instead of picturing it from blueprints, and you’re generally moving to an existing neighborhood with established services and local schools.


It may be faster to move in and get settled in a resale home, but if you truly want to live in your dream home, there’s nothing better than designing your own living space from scratch. You can personalize each and every nook and cranny and take advantage of all the latest features to maximize energy efficiency and save money over the life of the house. And plus, you get that “new car” smell and the satisfaction of knowing that you won’t need to replace any major appliances for a long, long time.

Chic vs. Geek: Buying from a Builder

Are you thinking of buying a new construction project directly from the builder? Here are some things you need to know before you sign the contract...


We know what you’re thinking: Buying a brand new home sounds like a dream. No creaky floors, no skeletons in the closet, and no surprises in the crawlspace. But you can’t judge a book by its cover. Just like old homes, new constructions come with their own set of potential pitfalls. We suggest you have the home professionally inspected before making any commitments.


The most important thing to remember when you’re buying a brand new construction is that you can’t take anything for granted. A builder will recommend their preferred lender, but shop around for multiple quotes to be sure you’re getting the best deal. And watch out for hidden defects, missing necessities, and pricey upgrades and upsells. Here’s more advice to help you through.