Overpriced & Undersold

Even in a sellers’ market, savvy buyers are always hunting for opportunity. Price reductions are like chum on the water and could lead to a loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars on the sale. So how can you get the price you want?

CHIC (Pearl)

Like the saying goes, there’s no second chance to make a first impression. Get your home in tip-top shape to show it in the best possible light. A fresh paint job, window cleaning, and flooring refinish can turn ho-hum into yahoo! But nobody will appreciate all your work without a comprehensive marketing plan. Back up a targeted email and social media campaign with old school mailers to cover all your bases.

GEEK (Kevin)

Don’t let an agent tell you what you want to hear. Sometimes, they’re just looking for a pay day, and it’s not just unethical, it’s also against the law. Hire an agent who knows how to negotiate effectively on your behalf and successfully manage the disclosure due diligence processes. It’s also critical to find someone who knows the numbers. Local comps and market conditions are your best bet for finding the right price the first time.

A Clean, Well-Lighted Place

Lighting is a key item on any buyer’s checklist, and you don't need fancy lamps or chandeliers. Here are some simple solutions for using natural light to help your home shine bright like a diamond.

CHIC (Pearl)

From a design perspective, it can be easier than you’d think to make your home feel warmer, brighter, and more open. Try painting your walls and ceilings white (or off-white) and placing mirrors strategically to help bounce natural light throughout the house and make your spaces feel larger. If you have a big collection of artwork to display, hang light colored pieces on the walls to add warmth and combine style with function.

GEEK (Kevin)

Finding the right balance of lighting for your home is like a physics problem just waiting to be solved. First, remove any obstructions from your windows and keep them squeaky clean to allow the maximum amount of uninterrupted sunlight to get inside. Choose brightly-colored furniture that allows light to pass above, beneath, or even through it. And if you need an extra boost from above, try adding solar tubes or skylights in the ceiling.

Down Time

The holidays and first few weeks of the new year tend to be a little slow for real estate, so it’s a good time to catch up on projects you’ve been thinking about… or avoiding!

CHIC (Pearl)

My biggest procrastination is taking down holiday decorations. There’s nothing wrong with spreading happy vibes all year round, but candy canes and Christmas trees don’t really vibe with Valentine’s Day! So I use this time to get our house back to normal.

GEEK (Kevin)

You know where to find me whenever there’s a little down time: getting in some DIY action around the house. I just installed new bathroom cabinets, and I’m still riding high on perspiration and power tools. On to the next project… when I have the time!