Providing Value to Buyers

You might think buyer agents only show homes and write offers, and some of them do. But if you want the best value for your investment, we’re here to provide you with maximum return!

CHIC (Pearl)

We always meet for a buyer consultation before getting started so we can align on the best strategy and communications plan for the entire process. Getting to know you helps us better understand what you want and cater our services to fit your needs. Our goal is to offer objective advice and help you evaluate the pros and cons of different properties without being so prescriptive with our recommendations that we forget why you’re in the market in the first place.

GEEK (Kevin)

Value is all in the numbers. First and foremost, we won’t make any moves without settling on your budget. We’ll collect market data in real time from colleagues on the front lines at the neighborhood level and advise you on potential offer strategies that reflect current conditions. We’ll work with experts to give you a proper report card for the property to aid in our negotiation. And we’ll review every timeline and document to make sure it all adds up.

Another Look at New Laws

Let’s take a deeper dive into state legislation coming on the books this year that will impact the real estate industry.

CHIC (Pearl)

Thanks to AB 968, which takes effect July 1, if you sell a property with one to four dwellings within 18 months of acquiring the title, you’ll need to disclose information about any repairs or renovations you’ve had done, in addition to contact info for your contractors and any permits you obtained. Most of this is already covered under existing disclosures in the Seller Property Questionnaire (SPQ), which may be updated to add specific disclosures for flippers.

GEEK (Kevin)

AB 1033 allows for ADUs (aka Accessory Dwelling Units or “Granny Flats”) to be transferred as stand-alone properties, separate from the main dwelling. The property must be classified as a condo, and each lienholder must consent to establishing the condominium. Making matters more complicated, if the property lies in an HOA, the HOA must also approve the condo classification. Fwiw, experts don’t expect this law to be used too often.

The Best Things in Life

They say the best things in life are free, and that’s (mostly) true. But sometimes it’s fun to splurge a little. What are your favorite splurges and the little things you can’t live without?

CHIC (Pearl)

It’s my job to find our clients stylish homes at a price they can afford, so I’m used to getting more with less. When it comes to food, I can’t resist the occasional “cheat day” to try a new restaurant or bring home premium ingredients for one of my favorite dishes. But at the end of the day, the finest meal is made even finer with the company of friendly neighbors — and you can’t put a price tag on that!

GEEK (Kevin)

I’m also fairly frugal and try to get our clients the most bang for their buck with home improvement. That said, I lose my will power in the power tool section of the hardware store. There’s something about the whirring of an electric drill that makes me open my wallet. But when I come home, I can’t wait to grab a shovel and dig around our backyard garden. It’s very relaxing.

The Big Picture

It’s always important to consider the “big picture” before making any financial decisions, and especially when it comes to real estate. This is particularly true in the Bay Area, where a home is not just a lifestyle choice but also a long-term investment. Here are some dos and don’ts for home buying in an uncertain market.

CHIC (Pearl)

I’ll take the Do’s. First thing’s first: Ignore the noise. Back-of-the-napkin analysis or one set of data should never dictate your next move. If you’ve made a financial plan, stick to it. Wait for the right moment, and make your best offer. And it never hurts to rebalance your investment portfolio to insulate yourself from market fluctuations. Like the meme says: Keep calm, and carry on.

GEEK (Kevin)

Looks like I get the Don’ts, which is only one letter away from donuts, so now I’m hungry. But seriously: You can’t time the market, so don’t even try. Don’t panic because of something you read online (even our emails). As the market continues to recover, you can make significant gains simply by holding steady. Hang on to your investments for the long haul, and your patience will pay off.

Resolutions of Gratitude

We all want to lose weight, get in shape, clean out our closets, watch less TV, and read more books. But this year, we’re resolving to practice gratitude for the world around us.

CHIC (Pearl)

The theme of my resolutions is love. I plan to volunteer for causes I’m passionate about and help friends whenever they are in need. I’m also going to be more open with sharing compliments and perform at least one random act of kindness for another person every day. And I resolve to only share positive posts on social media!

GEEK (Kevin)

My year is going to center around connection. I resolve to call my sisters more often, get together with neighbors for block parties and backyard barbecues, cook meals for friends and family, take more pictures of the people in my life, go on more hikes and appreciate nature, and sit down once a week to write thank you cards!