The Best Things in Life

They say the best things in life are free, and that’s (mostly) true. But sometimes it’s fun to splurge a little. What are your favorite splurges and the little things you can’t live without?

CHIC (Pearl)

It’s my job to find our clients stylish homes at a price they can afford, so I’m used to getting more with less. When it comes to food, I can’t resist the occasional “cheat day” to try a new restaurant or bring home premium ingredients for one of my favorite dishes. But at the end of the day, the finest meal is made even finer with the company of friendly neighbors — and you can’t put a price tag on that!

GEEK (Kevin)

I’m also fairly frugal and try to get our clients the most bang for their buck with home improvement. That said, I lose my will power in the power tool section of the hardware store. There’s something about the whirring of an electric drill that makes me open my wallet. But when I come home, I can’t wait to grab a shovel and dig around our backyard garden. It’s very relaxing.