Providing Value to Buyers

You might think buyer agents only show homes and write offers, and some of them do. But if you want the best value for your investment, we’re here to provide you with maximum return!

CHIC (Pearl)

We always meet for a buyer consultation before getting started so we can align on the best strategy and communications plan for the entire process. Getting to know you helps us better understand what you want and cater our services to fit your needs. Our goal is to offer objective advice and help you evaluate the pros and cons of different properties without being so prescriptive with our recommendations that we forget why you’re in the market in the first place.

GEEK (Kevin)

Value is all in the numbers. First and foremost, we won’t make any moves without settling on your budget. We’ll collect market data in real time from colleagues on the front lines at the neighborhood level and advise you on potential offer strategies that reflect current conditions. We’ll work with experts to give you a proper report card for the property to aid in our negotiation. And we’ll review every timeline and document to make sure it all adds up.