Love is in the air!

While we might agree to disagree on a few things – okay, a lot of things – we decided to create a meal together to kick off our Valentine’s Week.

CHIC (Pearl)

As usual, I skipped straight to dessert! But because baking is not my forte, I enlisted a friend to help craft these beautiful red velvet cupcakes. And we shared the love of eating the product to avoid a sugar high! Want to try at home? Here’s the recipe for the cupcakes and frosting.

GEEK (Kevin)

While Pearl got her bake on, I was busy prepping our main course: smoked pulled pork BBQ. There truly is nothing like this tender, juicy goodness, especially piled up on a platter and paired with homemade margaritas including limes from our yard. Learn to do your own smoking.

Holiday cookies have arrived!

We don’t know about you, but one of our favorite parts of the holidays are the treats, especially crispy, chewy, gooey, spicy cookies! Try this recipe for classic gingerbread cookies with your family to warm you up on a cold night. And send us a picture of how they turned out!

Chic vs. Geek: Work From Home Edition

What are some helpful habits and activities to keep us healthy in mind and body during the shelter in place?


It’s important that we all remember to take care of ourselves each and every day, and especially while we’re all stuck at home during this health crisis. I find it helps if I carve out time for personal wellness checks, so I’ve been taking 10 minutes every day for short, easy exercises and a little yoga. There’s no equipment, no monthly payments, and no sweaty chairs left by inconsiderate gym rats. Who could ask for anything more? Need a little motivation? There are a bunch of apps and websites where you can find easy-to-follow beginner workouts.


I don’t know about you, but when I’m stuck at home, I’m not thinking about working out. It’s all about the bread, baby! Sourdough bread, that is, which has become my own personal science project! Over five weeks of working from home, I’ve baked 15 sourdough loaves from scratch – including olive, chocolate, and rosemary – using my own starter (that's the mix of flour, water, wild yeast, and bacteria that helps sourdough rise and creates its distinctive flavor). I’ll admit that there have been failures along the way, but email me for tips, and I’ll send you my starter recipe!