Mortgage rates on the decline.

According to the folks at Freddie Mac, average interest rates on a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage fell to 6.61% last week, the ninth consecutive week of decline, but still higher than one year ago (6.42%). Economic experts expect further declines heading into 2024, although the current dip has yet to spur an uptick in home sales due to a lack of inventory.

Here's a look at how key economic indicators fared in 2023:

Resolutions of Gratitude

We all want to lose weight, get in shape, clean out our closets, watch less TV, and read more books. But this year, we’re resolving to practice gratitude for the world around us.

CHIC (Pearl)

The theme of my resolutions is love. I plan to volunteer for causes I’m passionate about and help friends whenever they are in need. I’m also going to be more open with sharing compliments and perform at least one random act of kindness for another person every day. And I resolve to only share positive posts on social media!

GEEK (Kevin)

My year is going to center around connection. I resolve to call my sisters more often, get together with neighbors for block parties and backyard barbecues, cook meals for friends and family, take more pictures of the people in my life, go on more hikes and appreciate nature, and sit down once a week to write thank you cards!