Mapping San José’s Housing Future

If you’re a regular reader of our blog, you’ve probably heard of “housing elements” – plans that every California city need to update every eight years to set goals for housing development based on projected growth.

If that sounds super geeky, well, that’s because it is. But it doesn’t make it any less important, especially if you’re considering the affordability of homeownership in Silicon Valley.

For example, here’s a Mercury News article with a map of where the City of San José would like to build 77,500 new homes in the next ten years.

Doubling down on affordable housing

The Los Altos City Council recently approved a pair of housing developments that could more than double its number of below market rate (BMR) units. With a long waiting list, this move can’t come soon enough. But what does it mean for the broader housing market? The Town Crier has the scoop.