Want to SAVE on your student loans?

This week, the Education Department launched the beta website for SAVE, or Saving on a Valuable Education, a new student loan repayment program that could drop monthly payments for one million borrowers to as low as $0. Want to find out if you’re eligible? Use the website calculator today. And learn more from the Sacramento Bee.

Doubling down on affordable housing

The Los Altos City Council recently approved a pair of housing developments that could more than double its number of below market rate (BMR) units. With a long waiting list, this move can’t come soon enough. But what does it mean for the broader housing market? The Town Crier has the scoop.

Have you voted?

The Registrar of Voters wants you to exercise your civic duty without worrying about getting sick. That’s why they’re implementing a robust plan to keep voting centers safe with socially distanced voting booths, one-way entrances and exits, and plenty of hand sanitizer. San José Spotlight has more.

Have you already voted? We’ll send a pair of these fancy VOTE masks to the first five people who send us an email!

Census counting deadline looms tomorrow

Have you responded to the 2020 Census? If you live in Silicon Valley, there’s more than a 75% chance that you have. But with the deadline looming on September 30th, one in four of your neighbors still hasn’t been counted. And legal challenges to extend the deadline are backed up in the courts.

Learn more from San José Spotlight and complete the Census today.