Geek's Number Talk: Saving Rate Down, Spending Up
/The personal saving rate fell more than half a point to 9.4% from July to August, according to numbers from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. This makes the record 33.8% rate at the height of the pandemic in April 2020 seem like ancient history. Why the steep decline? Well, people are getting back to spending their limited income rather than saving their stimulus checks. Our friends at the Balance have more insights.
Geek's Number Talk: Santa Clara County Market Update - Aug. 2021
/The numbers are in from August, and as you can see, the Santa Clara County housing market is still on the rise, whether you’re looking for a house or a condo. Inventory is up year-over-year from the height of the pandemic in Summer 2020, but properties are spending less time on the market, and prices are soaring.
What does this mean for you? Contact us for more insights!
Chic's Picks: Back on the Market!
/These houses were previously pending, but opportunity is knocking again!
Geek's Number Talk: No Immunity to Inflation
/We’re hearing a lot about vaccination rates these days, but when it comes to inflation, there’s no such thing as herd immunity. Sure enough, as our economy continues to recover from the COVID shutdown, we’re seeing a spike in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), a leading indicator of inflation, and a sign that rising interest rates may be on the horizon.