Sierra snowpack surging

Did you know? The Department of Water Resources recently conducted their April snow survey using data from 130 stations placed throughout the state. The survey found statewide snowpack has a snow water equivalent of 28.6 inches, or 110% of average for this time of year — up from just 28% of average on January 1st. Get more numbers from DWR.

Helping the helpers.

According to research noted in Psychology Today, helping others may “benefit the giver more than the recipient on a neurobiological level.” With that lingering in our minds, Kevin and I had a chance to visit our client's new hospitality business early this year in Costa Rica. Their retreat is in a jungle — literally next to a waterfall, where they get all of their water.

We had a chance to help them fix up the water system and refurbish some furniture. Now Kevin is thinking of creating renewable electricity from the waterfall as well.

We loved being invited by our clients to be part of their super cool project!

Water restrictions rolled back

Governor Newsom announced that he’s ending the call for a statewide voluntary 15% reduction in water use in place since July 2021.

Meanwhile, local water agencies that were expecting just 35% of requested supplies from the state are now on tap to get 75%.

The 3.1 million acre-feet of water that will provide equates to more than double the original projection of 1.4 million acre-feet.

*In case you’re wondering, an acre-foot is about 326,000 gallons!

Here’s more on the story from the LA Times.

The drought is over! (Or is it?)

The bomb cyclone hasn’t put a permanent end to California’s water woes. But with restrictions rolled back, what are you looking forward to doing with a little extra water?

CHIC (Pearl)

I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for a long, luxurious, and languid trip to one of my favorite places: the shower! Two years ago, I cut back on bathing time to help reduce our water consumption, but speed showering often made me forget to clean a body part or two. And even though I promised Kevin I won’t stay in there all night, it will be nice to take my time.

GEEK (Kevin)

I mastered the art of the five-minute shower back in college, so I’m more excited about cleaning the house than scrubbing behind my ears. I’m planning to give our entire home a thorough once-over with a bucket, a mop, a sponge, and a good podcast on my wireless headphones. While I’m at it, I might even clean the shower — if Pearl ever decides to come out again!

Chic vs. Geek: Home issues you can’t ignore

Some home projects can wait until you have the time – or the energy – but some tune ups need tackling now. Let’s take a look at a few common red flags…



The sounds of scurrying in the rafters or mouse droppings in HVAC grills are signs that you may have four-legged visitors. Check exhaust vents, ducts, utility panels, garage doors, and other access points. Look for gaps, signs of chewing or nesting, or ripped screening. Even a hole the size of a quarter is big enough for a rodent to slip through.


It’s natural to occasionally find mold in wet spots like kitchen and bathroom tiles, but when you see it seeping into your living room walls, it’s time to call a professional for an inspection and remediation.


Standing water in your yard after a rain is a telltale sign that you have poor drainage. This could be caused by heavy, compacted soils, or improper grading. If water collects near your home’s foundation, it could cause costly problems.



It is essential that you inspect your roof on a regular basis – at least once a year. Missing shingles or other signs of damage should be addressed right away, because the costs of neglecting them can escalate very quickly, especially if we finally get some rain.


Even in our temperate Silicon Valley climate, heating and air conditioning are key components of our quality of life. And you shouldn’t ignore that noise your A/C unit is making just because we’re entering the colder months. Get it checked out or risk paying through the nose when it breaks down during a summer heat wave.


What’s that smell coming from your kitchen sink? If a plunger isn’t enough for your investigation, call a professional and get it checked. Trust me, you don’t want to wait to deal with that mess!