New city. Who this?

The cost of living in California has many people on the move to new cities and new adventures. What are some of the resources you can use to get familiar with your future home?

CHIC (Pearl)

The first thing you can do before you pack a single box is check an online travel guide like Tripadvisor, lonely planet, or TimeOut. These sites are full of tips and insights for travelers, and that’s exactly what you are! You’re just staying a little longer. Speaking of which, you can check local government websites in your new city to learn about population demographics and public services like schools, transportation, and safety. It’s also a good idea to understand the city’s governance.

GEEK (Kevin)

If you’re moving to save money, you’d be wise to crunch the numbers and make sure your new city fits your current budget! You can use websites like Numbeo or Expatistan to get an estimate of the cost of living in cities you’re considering, including the current price of goods and services. Another great resource is local news. Reading the city newspaper or browsing local news websites can help you get a sense of the big issues and challenges you might face after your move.

On the wrong track?

In a recent poll sponsored by the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, 77% of residents said the City by the Bay is heading in the wrong direction. Top concerns included crime, cleanliness, and costs. Meanwhile, hotel occupancy rates hit 61% in March, a 28% year-over-year increase. So it’s clear that folks from outside SF may have a different opinion.

All this could equate to opportunity for savvy buyers looking to take advantage of an exodus!