Keep it or leave it?

They say you can’t take it with you, but that doesn’t apply to moving. Some things can come along on the ride, and some things are in it for the long haul with your current home. So what stays and what goes?

CHIC (Pearl)

A good rule of thumb is anything custom or built into the home is going to stay when you move, no matter how attached you are to it. The exception is large appliances like a fridge or a custom electric fireplace. Just be clear with the buyer about your intentions. The same goes for landscaping like trees, bushes, lawns, and garden structures. But you can probably take that potted succulent you’ve managed to keep alive since college!

GEEK (Kevin)

My rule of thumb is take everything that isn’t nailed down or unique to the home, because you never know if you’re going to miss it. So yes, commandeer all the major appliances, furniture, hardware, cabinets, tables, and TV wall mounts. And if you can’t decide on a certain item, just keep it. You can always sell it at a garage sale if you can’t use it in your new home. Just listen to Pearl and set ground rules up front with the buyer.

Upgrade siding to improve your ROI

We’re taught not to judge a book by its cover. But oftentimes, a buyer will decide in less than a few seconds if they want to make an offer on your home based solely on the exterior appearance. Because curb appeal plays such a significant role in a successful sale, it’s important to see your home from a buyer’s perspective. Even simple cosmetic touches could have a substantial impact on getting the price you want.