Giving thanks for our clients

With the short holiday work week, today is like Thursday, so we’re giving early thanks to the most important people in our world: our clients. Thank you for sharing your real estate journeys with us!

CHIC (Pearl)

Did you know the first Thanksgiving lasted for three days? Imagine three straight days of Thanksgiving dinners, leftovers, and heartburn! Now imagine what it would be like to have no Thanksgiving dinner at all. Together, we can help all of our friends and neighbors have a happier holiday season by making a donation to a local food bank or volunteering in a community kitchen.

GEEK (Kevin)

Did you know that Thanksgiving is commonly considered the origin of the “TV Dinner”? According to legend, the Swanson company had a bunch of frozen turkeys leftover from Turkey Day in 1953, so they packaged them up with veggies and sold them as individual meals. Of course, that’s not what really happened, according to the Smithsonian. But the truth isn’t as fun.