Shop ‘til your thumbs drop!
/According to an annual survey from the National Retail Federation, 200.4 million people did some shopping from Thanksgiving Day through Cyber Monday. That’s nearly 4 million more than last year and 18 million more than expected. Most of the increase was among online shoppers, who totaled 134.2 million. But Small Business Saturday drew a majority of retail activity ($59M) to brick-and-mortar stores. Get more numbers from the NRF report.
Giving or Getting?
/Around this time of year, the age-old question returns: Is it better to give than to receive? Sometimes, it depends on the gift — and who’s doing the giving!
CHIC (Pearl)
It’s no contest. Giving gifts is always better than receiving them. I usually have my holiday shopping done in June because I can’t help collecting things that my friends and loved ones would enjoy. It doesn’t need to be anything extravagant or expensive. The thought truly does count, as long as you put some thought into it. And the look on their face when they open the gift always makes you feel better than when you open another hand mixer from Aunt Joanie.
GEEK (Kevin)
Dude, who doesn’t like presents? They say it’s the thought that counts, but I’m the kind of guy who loves a good white elephant exchange. Everyone comes away with a gift, and more often than not, it’s something you’d never expect to use but ends up as an integral component of your life — like a new toothbrush rack or a bedazzled beer koozie. There’s also something about tearing into that first perfectly wrapped gift on Christmas morning. It smells like victory.
A thank you gift from us
/When you refer a friend, colleague, or client to sell or purchase a home through Chic ‘n’ the Geek, we won’t just provide world class service. We’ll also donate $500 to the charity of your choice. It’s just one way we say “thank you” for being part of our real estate family.