Chic vs. Geek: How to Sell a Home in the Summertime

The weather is heating up, and the local housing market is already hot. But you can’t count on momentum to get you the sale price you want. What can you do to improve your chances?

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Like the saying goes, you only get one chance to make a first impression. Spend some time upgrading your curb appeal by keeping your lawn freshly mowed, decorating with new plants and ground coverings, and touching up the paint job. Speaking of paint, color is an extremely important factor in home sales. During the summer, add some lighter tones to brighten up your look. Security also adds value. Try framing your walkways and driveways with lights for a stylish touch.


Buyers are busy shuffling between open houses and all their usual errands, especially if they have kids home from school. Make sure your schedule is flexible enough to meet a buyer when and where they are available. Don’t make them wait for you. And definitely do not skimp on the air conditioning! House hunters will want to escape the heat, and stepping into a nice cool home will instantly put them at ease. You don’t want an ice box either, so set the thermostat at a comfortable level.