Chic vs. Geek: (Practical) New Year's Resolutions

Everybody wants to lose weight or travel to distant places or finally finish those DIY projects around the house, but who has time for all that?


I’m going simple with my resolutions for 2022. First, I’m going to drink a cup of water as soon as I wake up to get started on my daily hydration and give my gut a wash before the day begins. I’m also going to train myself to sit up straight when I’m working on my computer. I have a tendency to hunch over, and it’s not good for my back. Speaking of which, I’m also going to stretch every morning to work out all the kinks!


Sticking with the practical theme, I’m going to do my best to put my phone down while we’re eating dinner. Pearl and I are both guilty of this, and I’m sure a lot of you are, too! Quality time is one of the most important elements of a healthy marriage. So couples should take every opportunity to connect, even if it’s only for a few minutes each day. Just like any other resolution, once you get into the habit, it’s not that hard to keep up!

How about you? What’s your New Year’s resolution? Share it with us in an email, and we’ll send you a bag of our signature Chic ‘n’ the Geek holiday roast coffee beans!

Bora is ready for her close up!