Chic vs. Geek: Healthy Home, Healthy Living

You never know what’s lurking below the surface, especially when it comes to plumbing and sewer lines in an old home!


A client who recently bought a single family home got a rude awakening when they found out the plumbing connecting their house to the sewer line had been impacted by tree roots and sprung a leak. The good news was they caught the leak before it spread into their home. We connected our client with a top-notch plumbing crew to clean up the mess, but it was still an unexpected cost, and the problem could just as easily have gone unnoticed until it was too late and our client was faced with a very stinky situation.


If you’re looking at a house that’s at least 50 years old, it likely has galvanized pipes that are in need of an upgrade. This is something that could easily evade an inspection, and if the plumbing hasn’t been used for a few months, there could be a backup brewing. In a competitive Bay Area market, it’s hard to expect a seller to invest in an expensive upgrade. That’s why it’s a good idea for a homebuyer to put some money aside in your budget to do the upgrade yourself after you acquire the property.