Chic vs. Geek: Pandem-econmics

What indicators say the most about where our economy is headed post-COVID?


Unemployment: When people don't work, they don't earn. When they don’t earn, they don't spend, and they don’t pay taxes. But they also need financial support from local and federal governments. People also become depressed, angry, and sad, sometimes with tragic results. Everyone deserves an opportunity to work for a fair salary that supports a high quality of life with hope for advancement. A strong job market is the key to a healthy, happy society, so pay attention to employment reports!


Inflation: We’ve added more debt at a faster pace in the past few years than ever before, and we’re going even deeper into debt to rescue our economy as we know it. Prior to COVID, over $3 TRILLION in new debt had been added, mostly to pay for tax cuts; and this recovery could add over $5T more. The more debt, the more money is printed, and the greater chance of inflation. Inflation can fuel higher interest rates, which means your money won’t go as far. The only safe bets against inflation are gold and… real estate!