Chic vs. Geek: Where did the washing machine go?

Recently, we had a conversation with friends about the commissions real estate agents receive on home transactions. They wanted to know if a 3% commission was a good rate. The truth is that a good real estate agent could mean the difference between getting what you want and settling for less. The real question is how much that’s worth to you.


Real estate agents are there from the very beginning of your buying or selling journey. We help prepare homes for sale with staging and marketing plans designed strategically to get you the maximum return on your investment. A good agent will also order a pre-inspection to make sure there are no surprises. Once you’re ready for market, an agent will make sure you don’t set a price so high that you scare buyers away, or so low so you leave money on the table. Agents understand buyer demographics and conduct a comprehensive marketing appeal to showcase the home. Bottom line: We are dedicated to acting in your best interest.


Many people think an agent’s work is done when the “SOLD” sign goes up. We continue to work with you all the way through to the closing and key transfer, dealing with the inevitable snafus — “Where did the washing machine go?” “I thought the property line was over here.” etc. The best real estate agents are masters of many trades, and extremely resourceful. We don’t just recommend contractors who do great work at reasonable rates; we coordinate projects to make sure they’re done on your schedule. There are so many moving parts in a big transaction. Our job is to minimize your stress and get you the best result possible.