Chic vs. Geek: Taking Advantage of SB9

More and more, we have many clients with an interest in splitting their lot to take advantage of new state law to build a second home they can rent out. How can you use SB9 to your benefit?


Senate Bill 9 was signed by the governor last year to streamline the creation of new housing units in traditionally single family neighborhoods to combat our housing crisis. But while some cities and communities have resisted the change, others like San José have embraced the new law and updated their local rules to reflect it. That means an opportunity for a savvy homeowner with a little money to invest. Here’s some info from the California Association of Realtors (CAR) to get you started.


At the end of the day, all SB9 does is allow for change to happen. That doesn’t mean your neighborhood is about to flip from single family homes to fourplexes. The conversion still has to pencil out, and that’s no guarantee with the cost of construction and labor these days — not to mention high interest rates if you don’t have all the cash up front..There’s also the question of lot size and eligibility. Need more insights? Have a look at this CAR slide deck and quick guide to lot splitting, or just send us an email.