Chic vs. Geek: Home Warranty

A client who bought a house last year asked us if it was worth it to invest in a home warranty. Here’s what we told them…

CHIC (Pearl)

You don’t know what you don’t know, which is why it makes sense to buy a home warranty when you move into a new house. You never know what unexpected trouble is lurking below the surface. Like insurance, a warranty gives homeowners peace of mind, However, buyers need to take the time to closely review the different types of coverage described in the contract and understand the limitations. Premiums, exclusions, and caps on benefits can vary widely. Buyer beware! (Cue spooky Halloween music)

GEEK (Kevin)

From personal experience as a homeowner, after living in the house for a while, you’ll get to know what works, what doesn’t, and what really needs fixing. Like Pearl suggests, you could pay annual home warranty premiums to get some peace of mind. Or you could consider saving extra dollars in an emergency fund for unexpected expenses that arise after you move in. Depending on your household budget, it may be a better option than paying premiums to cover repairs that may never be needed.

Chic vs. Geek: Preparing for Disaster

Most homeowners don’t think about tragedies like tornados, wildfires, and floods until it’s too late. But Californians have learned to prepare for the worst.


When you live in a region that literally moves and shakes with unpredictable regularity, you owe it to yourself to invest in earthquake insurance. The California Earthquake Authority (CEA) is a reliable resource with a variety of options for owners of single-family homes, condos, and RVs. They also offer policies to protect renters..


You can pay for all the insurance you want, but if you truly want to protect your home and the loved ones inside from the next “big one”, you should consider a full seismic retrofit. Visit the CEA website to learn about the most common hazards and vulnerabilities and how to find a good contractor to help make your home more resilient.

Chic vs. Geek: Something in the air?

The atmospheric river brought much needed rain to the Bay Area, but rain also brings out unexpected and unwelcome guests. What are these things swarming outside my window?


You may have noticed tiny insects buzzing all over town in the wake of the recent rains. As a real estate agent, I can tell you that it’s bad news. These are flying termites they thrive when it’s humid and wet. If you see a swarm like this near your home, it’s important to act quickly and take appropriate precautions. Please let us know if you’d like a referral to a good termite company.


Whether you’re a home buyer or seller, you absolutely, positively do not want a termite problem. So even if you don’t see a swarm like this outside, there's no reason to mess around. Do the due diligence, have the home inspected — and fumigated or treated as needed — and invest in proactive pest control for the future health of the home. Here’s some good guidance from the EPA.

Chic vs. Geek: Before the Flood

Everybody’s talking about wildfires these days, but how can I tell if the home I’m looking at is in a flood hazard zone?


One way is the Natural Hazard Disclosure form that the seller is required by state law to provide in their disclosure package.


You could also look at a map. Find your property using this interactive map of FEMA flood hazard zones.

Chic vs. Geek: Hardening Your Home

Compass Harden Your Home for Wildfires.png

Drought conditions combined with summer heat make the upcoming fire season even more threatening for homeowners. How can you prep your home? We’ve got some tips!


Things any of us can do:

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Things not everybody should do:

Compass Harden Your Home for Wildfires_Geek.png

Things that should be left to professionals: