Showers or Flowers?

They say April showers bring May flowers, but sometimes it’s the other way around. Which rite of Spring do you prefer?

CHIC (Pearl)

Rain has a way of making everything feel fresh and new. Ever since I was a child, I’ve loved the cool scent of the air when you wake up and showers are already falling outside. I even keep my bedroom window open on warm rainy nights. But lately, that’s been a recipe for catching a cold!

GEEK (Kevin)

Living in California, it seems like you turn your head one day and suddenly the world is covered in fruit blossoms, poppies, and crocuses. The colors and smells surround you on a morning hike, filling your soul and making your feet feel like they’re floating just off the ground.

Spring has sprung?

It might be hard to tell with howling winds and frigid temps outside, but we’re officially two weeks into Spring! What do you look forward to the most this season? Showers or flowers?

CHIC (Pearl)

Who doesn’t love flowers? Seriously though, this is typically the perfect time for me to get outside and embrace my green thumb. The cold weather has certainly put a damper on my flower garden because I’m worried about overnight freezes, but that doesn’t keep me from tilling the soil, clearing the weeds, and getting things ready for the big plant.

GEEK (Kevin)

I’ll admit it, I love flowers as much as anybody. So I’m geeked up to help Pearl get our backyard garden in working order. But I also know we desperately need the water and record-setting Sierra snowpack if we’re ever going to escape from this seemingly endless drought. So bring on the April showers, and let the flowers wait for May.