Chic vs. Geek: How do you flex?

Last week’s excessive heat wave caused flex alerts that asked Californians to conserve energy during peak hours from 4-9pm in order to prevent blackouts. What are some ways you cut back to help out?


I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m in love with my air conditioning. But with rising energy rates and calls to conserve, I’ve also had to admit that it’s a luxury we can live without for a few hours a day. So we started pre-cooling our house before 4pm, preparing for the hottest time of day. At 9pm, we checked the air outside and either opened up all the windows or cranked that lovely AC. It may have been rough, but we’re lucky to have these options in the first place.


Anybody who knows me knows I love food, and dinner is a very important time of my day. I’m usually in the kitchen during flex hours, cooking with multiple burners, heating up the oven, and going in and out of the fridge and freezer. The flex alerts forced me to change up our routine, eating dinner later in the evening or DoorDashing from one of our favorite restaurants. It’s a great way to support local businesses while you’re flexing your power.