Chic vs. Geek: Understanding Fair Market Value

We like to remind our friends and clients that value and price are not the same thing, especially in hot housing markets like the Bay Area.

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Recently, we put in an offer on a duplex in Mountain View. We knew going in that multiple buyers were bidding, and our offer had to be competitive. We also thought we had a good idea of how high the bidding would go based on recently sold homes in the same neighborhood and the condition of the house. So we submitted an offer at 5% above the listing price. In the end, there were 12 bids, and the winner offered 12% above listing – in cash. If we had it to do over again, we’d stick with the same bid, because it reflected the value we placed on the home. But this is a great example of how Bay Area home sales prices are significantly outpacing the average market value. Without a crystal ball, it can be hard to know where bidding wars will lead.


Bottom line: There is no precise formula or magic 8-ball for determining the fair market value of a property. It will fluctuate depending on a range of factors including: the current real estate market; available financing and mortgage rates; and local, national, and global economies. Pearl and I provide the comparative market analysis for our buyers and sellers to use as a starting point for pricing a home. We also take into account the seller’s personal situation, timing, unique home features, and local market trends in an effort to get to a competitive bid. It’s not an exact science, but it’s better than going in blind. Please reach out to us with any questions. We’ll help you make a sound and informed decision, and we’ll always give you our honest take.