Your Real Estate Horoscope for 2024

Last week, Master Y.C. Sun, renowned fortune teller, astrologer, and feng shui master, shared his predictions for the Year of the Wood Dragon with the Silicon Valley Association of Realtors. The program, attended by over 150 members, was hosted by the Global Business Council in conjunction with the DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) Committee. These were our key takeaways…

CHIC (Pearl)

Master Sun noted that 2023 was the Year of the Water Rabbit, which did not bode well for the real estate market simply because of the characteristics of those elements. On the flip side, a Dragon has a strong sense of ownership and an ability to turn things upside down. It never gives up and releases powerful energy to accomplish its vision. And Wood, like a tree with branches, is a sign of limitless growth and expansion. This means we can expect a stronger year for the market.

GEEK (Kevin)

Master Sun also cautioned that “general predictions are based on ancient Chinese methodology and should be viewed with a discriminating eye and an open mind." As a numbers guy like me would expect, more accurate predictions can be achieved with a detailed analysis. I also appreciated his encouragement to get in shape, eat healthier, spend less time on social media, visit nature, learn a new skill, and focus on your family’s interests and safety.

Got questions? Contact Master Sun directly at

Year of the Dragon

The official Lunar New Year falls on Saturday, and it’s a huge deal in Korea, China, and most East Asian cultures. Families gather to eat and drink special foods and play games all day. Stay tuned to our social media for posts from Lunar New Year celebrations this weekend.

Did you know we’re entering the Year of the Dragon? Experts believe this year will be marked by ambition, enthusiasm, and creativity. Sounds like a typical election year! You should also look out for lucky numbers 1, 6, and 7 and the colors silver, gold, and gray.

Chic vs. Geek: Year of the Water Tiger

Happy Lunar New Year! Today marks the beginning of the Year of the Tiger, more specifically, the Water Tiger. So what can we expect from the year ahead?


According to the Chinese zodiac, people born under one of the 12 signs tend to emulate the characteristics of that animal, which is why those born in the Year of the Tiger are said to be natural, assertive, and generous leaders. They’re thrillseekers with a courageous streak, but they’re also short tempered.


As you might expect, the tiger sign comes with great strength, and for the Water Tiger, this strength is grounded in their interpersonal relationships, especially among family. If you’re looking for a loyal friend who will stick with you no matter what, look no further than someone born in the Year of the Tiger!

Food for Thought: Celebrating Culture


Every culture has its own traditions for celebrating a new year, and more often than not, these traditions center around food. Here’s a list of popular Lunar New Year treats and the fortunes they symbolize:

  • Steamed fish bring an increase in prosperity

  • Dumplings and spring rolls lead to wealth

  • Tangyuan rice balls signify family and togetherness

  • Fruit like tangerines, oranges, and pomelos are considered good fortune

  • Round and golden fruit typically symbolize fullness and wealth

  • Niangao rice cakes will lead to a higher income or higher position at work

  • And longevity noodles signal happiness and, you guessed it, longevity

Banh tet.jpg

Some of our favorite foods around this time of year come from Vietnamese kitchens. Here’s a handy guide:

  • Bánh chưng: Square shaped sticky rice cake

  • Bánh tét: Cylindrical steamed sticky rice cake

  • Thịt kho tàu: Braised pork with eggs

  • ‘Mứt: Dried candied fruits

  • Canh bóng: Vegetable soup with pork skin

  • Thịt Gà: Boiled chicken

  • Mâm Ngũ Quả: Five-fruit tray

We wish you a very Happy (and full) Lunar New Year!