Chic vs. Geek: Paying you back in any market

From building equity to built-in savings, there are real estate principles and benefits to help your property pay you back, even in a down market.


Dual Purpose Investment

A home is both a current need and an investment in your future. You can find something that fits your family right now, but how will it suit you ten years down the road?

Valuable Savings

Mortgage payments can deliver equity, improve your credit score, and also serve as a savings account you can leverage now or tap later.


Tax Considerations

Like other life changes, homeownership comes with tax deductions, credits, and other perks. Ask your accountant to get you started with a mortgage payment deduction.

Protection from Inflation

Rents rise with inflation, and sometimes to pay for building upgrades, but payments on a 30-year fixed mortgage remain the same for, well, 30 years!

Want to learn more about the benefits of home ownership?