Cracks in the Foundation

No matter the size, a crack in the concrete foundation holding up your home is a big deal, and like any household pest, a crack doesn’t come alone. It always has buddies. How can you spot them, and what can you do about them?

CHIC (Pearl)

If you find vertical cracks, it could mean your home is still settling, but that doesn’t mean you should let it lie. It’s best to hire an inspector to get to the bottom of the issue. Horizontal cracks are a bigger problem and could mean compromised integrity caused by poor construction, excessive moisture, or other stress. Once you spot these cracks, you could already be well on your way to a major repair job.

GEEK (Kevin)

It’s always smarter — and cheaper — to fix the problem as soon as you find it rather than wait around for it to miraculously fix itself. Getting on top of a small crack now could save you from deeper structural issues and a whole lot of headaches later. But your foundation is a project you shouldn’t necessarily take on yourself. If you need a referral to a good contractor, send us an email!